rosysnet March 19, 2016 0 Comments

Whoops! If you forget the backup encryption password, then there is no known way to decrypt your backed up data. So it is recommended that you write down the backup encryption password in a safe and secure

rosysnet March 19, 2016 0 Comments

IntelliDelta is a powerful and proven technology that performs backups for only the incremental changes in files. Instead of handling incremental changes in the block level (e.g. 4KB blocks), Managed Backup’s Intelli-Delta technology goes one, actually, two

rosysnet March 19, 2016 0 Comments

Yes there is! Typically, your first backup takes the longest time/bandwidth. Thereafter, if you’ve enabled incremental backups (which you should be doing if you’re backing up online), only changes in files/folders are backed up. These incremental backups

rosysnet March 19, 2016 0 Comments

If you want to restore your data from a new machine (new laptop), you can install Managed Backup on the new machine with the same Managed Backup ID you used before. And you will first need to

rosysnet March 19, 2016 0 Comments

From Managed Backup v2.4 onwards, upgrading from Free edition to Professional edition is not directly supported. For upgrading Managed Backup free edition to professional edition, you can save the Free edition backup data and configurations to another

rosysnet March 19, 2016 0 Comments

Yes, Managed Backup not only works across different operating systems, it is also interoperable across the supported operating systems. That is, you can backup your Mac OS X to a Windows or Linux OR backup your Windows

rosysnet March 19, 2016 0 Comments

In a business that turns over millions of dollars per year the failure of any system could cost in excess of $200,000 per day. It is crucial that all major systems stay online, with Microsystem's 99% uptime

rosysnet March 15, 2016 0 Comments

I know Managed Backup works across Windows, Linux, Mac, FreeBSD operating Systems. Does that mean the backups and restore can also be done across different operating systems? Yes, Managed Backup not only works across different operating systems,

rosysnet March 15, 2016 0 Comments

I'm currently using the Free Edition. I wish to move to Managed Backup Professional. How do I do this? From Managed Backup v2.4 onwards, upgrading from Free edition to Professional edition is not directly supported. For upgrading

rosysnet March 15, 2016 0 Comments

I had backed up my data from my laptop to a server. But now I don't have my laptop (original machine) anymore. How do I restore my old data to my new machine? If you want to

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