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    #1 Managed Cloud
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      99.9% Uptime

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        Data Storage – Dell EMC, Synology, QNAP

        Microsysnet comprehends that organizations need dynamic IT framework that takes into account their changing business prerequisites. At Whitehats, we procure best IT professionals who have years of experience conveying exceedingly solid stockpiling arrangements. Our capacity arrangements have been planned while keeping your present and in addition future business extension needs in setting. Keeping in mind the end goal to ensure that your organization performs at its crest with a completely utilitarian IT office, you have to depend on our strong stockpiling arrangements. Give us a chance to enable you to make your business achieve the following level with our incentive for cash IT stockpiling arrangements in UAE.
        network products

        DELL EMC

        United Foundation. Speedier Results. More straightforward IT.
        At 55% speedier application improvement and 36% lower costs, accomplishing genuine business comes about with the #1 Met Framework portfolio* has never been less demanding.
        impler IT implies more advancement, less support operations
        Move your business to the following period of advancement. Streamline your operations, cut expenses and keep pace with the present all day, every day, on-request business condition with Dell EMC Merged and Hyper-united Framework arrangements.
        Drive execution, proficiency and cost investment funds with Met Framework arrangements
        Quicken business results with focalized arrangements from Dell EMC. Our improved and turnkey stages convey most extreme execution and time to an incentive over all workloads.
        With a 45% piece of the overall industry among IT providers2, Dell EMC offers intense choices for changing your IT with the main arrangement of Joined Foundation arrangements fueled by Intel® Xeon® processors. Upheld by one-call support and expert administrations for practically every industry, Dell EMC keeps your IT concentrated on advancements that develop your business quicker with bring down expenses.


        DiskStation Chief (DSM) is a natural online working framework found on each Synology NAS. It’s been intended to enable you to deal with your information: records, photographs, music, recordings and all other imperative types of computerized resources. With DiskStation Chief, it’s something other than putting away information. DSM offers a different scope of utilizations and administrations to convey greater stimulation to your home life and additionally better profitability at work.
        The capacity for clients to get to and share advanced documents is the center usefulness of a NAS. On account of its awesome similarity with Windows®, Mac®, and Linux®, DiskStation is the best medium for any sorts of document stockpiling and trade.
        The greater part of individuals now switch between various gadgets consistently, bringing about an emotional increment in the prominence of distributed storage. Once in a while our whole beneficial life — working reports, notes, references — depends on the cloud, which means we require a cost-proficient, high-limit yet completely private cloud arrangement like never before. Synology offers these, and the sky is the limit from there
        Synology’s stockpiling arrangements have been intended to enable you to deal with your computerized resources. There is a suite of added-esteem bundles to encourage business every day life, adaptable authoritative choices, and in addition instruments to secure your DiskStation and profitable information.


        Regardless of whether beginning or developing; organizations require a stone strong IT framework that will guarantee that they have the correct apparatuses, equipment and potential to keep developing. What’s more, out of the considerable number of components in an IT base, stockpiling is the backbone that stays with a pushing ahead. QNAP gives a full scope of front line organize appended capacity gadgets that satisfy stockpiling needs, as well as give an extensive variety of administrations and elements to extraordinarily build the efficiency and choices of your business.
        Extensive measure of records and information are produced from the every day operations of organizations. How would we proficiently compose, track, and offer these records for imperative undertakings?
        Records and information are absolutely critical for business operations. How would we guarantee compelling business progression and information security and rebuilding?
        We just have 24 hours in a day. I need to increase my efficiency to complete more undertakings in less time. Any approach to help me?
        Spending limitations are a shocking reality for generally organizations. Where would we be able to get the most cost-effective capacity with advanced execution and steadiness?
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